KARADAŞ ÖMER, ÖZTÜRK BİLGİN, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, TAŞDELEN BAHAR, ÖZGE AYNUR, BELEN HAYRUNNİSA BOLAY (2021). Latent class cluster analysis identified hidden headache phenotypes in COVID-19: impact of pulmonary infiltration and IL-6. Neurological Sciences, Doi: 10.1007/s10072-020-04978-2
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, ÖZTÜRK BİLGİN, KARADAŞ ÖMER (2021). Cerebral hemodynamic alterations in patients with Covid-19. TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, Doi: 10.3906/sag-2006- 203
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POLAT BÜŞRA SÜMEYYE,YİĞİT ZUHAL,KÖKLÜ KURTULUŞ,KÖYLÜ NİHAL,SONKAYA ALİ RIZA (2019). A neurological approach to fear of falling in patients with stroke. Medical Science and Discovery, 6(12), 305-309., Doi: 10.36472/msd.v6i12.320
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, CEYLAN MUSTAFA (2019). The investigation of alexithymia in patients with parkinson disease. GULHANE MEDICAL JOURNAL, 61(3), 93-96., Doi: 10.26657/gulhane.00063
ATALAY HASAN ANIL,SONKAYA ALİ RIZA,ÖZBİR SAİT,ÇULHA MEHMET GÖKHAN,DEĞİRMENTEPE BURAK,BAYRAKTARLI RECEP,CANAT LÜTFİ (2019). Are There Differences in Brain Morphology in Patients with Lifelong Premature Ejaculation?. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 16(7), 992-998., Doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2019.04.008
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, CEYLAN MUSTAFA (2019). Investigation of inflammation with neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in restless legs syndrome. Journal of Surgery and Medicine, 3(4), Doi: 10.28982/josam.543100
ÇAĞILTAY EYLEM,ÇELİK ALPER,UZUN ADATEPE NURTEN,SONKAYA ALİ RIZA,UGALE SURENDRA,ADATEPE TURGUT,ERTAŞ MUSTAFA (2019). Diabetic Neuropathy Improves After Laparoscopic Diverted Sleeve Gastrectomy With ileal Interposition: A Single Arm Electrophysiological Follow-Up Study. Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation, 3(2), 103-110., Doi: 10.14744/ejmi.2019.70975
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, KARAOĞLAN MUSTAFA (2019). Investigation of concordance between referral diagnosis and electroneuromyographic diagnosis. Journal of Surgery and Medicine, 3(3), 250- 253., Doi: 10.28982/josam.519328
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, ÜNAL ELİF, EMİR CANAN (2019). The Relationship between Alexithymia and Depression in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation, 3(2), 169-172
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, BAYAZIT ZEYNEP ZELİHA (2018). Language Aspects of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation, 2(3), 133-138., Doi: 10.14744/ejmi.2018.96158
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, BAYAZIT ZEYNEP ZELİHA (2018). A Neurolinguistic Investigation of Emotional Prosody and Verbal Components of Speech. NeuroQuantology, 16(12), 50-56., Doi: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.12.1877
YALÇIN AHMET,CEYLAN MUSTAFA,BAYRAKTUTAN ÖMER FARUK,SONKAYA ALİ RIZA,YÜCE İHSAN (2016). Age and gender related prevalence of intracranial calcifications in CT imaging data from 12,000 healthy subjects. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 78, 20-24., Doi: 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2016.07.008
CEYLAN MUSTAFA,YALÇIN AHMET,BAYRAKTUTAN ÖMER FARUK,KARABULUT İBRAHİM,SONKAYA ALİ RIZA (2016). Effects of levetiracetam monotherapy on sperm parameters and sex hormones: Data from newly diagnosed patients with epilepsy. Seizure, 41, 70-74., Doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2016.06.001
DEMİR SERKAN,TOĞROL RİFAT ERDEM,SONKAYA ALİ RIZA,KENDİRLİ MUSTAFA TANSEL, ALAY SEMİH,YANAR ÇELİK TUĞBA,DELİL SAKİR,ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2016). Factors Triggering Epileptic Seizures in Patients Over 50 Years. Medical Science and Discovery, 3(1), 40-46., Doi: 10.17546/msd.80815
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY, DEMİR SERKAN, ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2015). The investigation into the cutaneous silent period in patients with essential tremor pre-treatment and post-treatment. Acta Neurologica Belgica, 116(4), 583-588., Doi: 10.1007/s13760-015-0580-3
BAYAZIT Zeynep Zeliha, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA (2019). Multiple Sclerosis Erken Tanısında Ses Analizi Yönteminin Kullanılabilirliğinin İncelenmesi. Online Türk Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(4), 413-427., Doi: 10.26453/otjhs.479261
CEYLAN MUSTAFA, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA (2019). The investigation of guillain-barre syndrome and prognosis. Annals of Medical Research, 26(4), 763-768., Doi: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.02.102
CEYLAN MUSTAFA, ŞİMŞEK FATMA, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA (2019). Clinical and laboratory efficacy of repetitive triamcinolone injections in carpal tunnel syndrome. Annals of Medical Research, 26(4), 640-645., Doi: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.01.044
GÜLAY BORA,KENDİRLİ MUSTAFA TANSEL,DEMİR SERKAN,SONKAYA ALİ RIZA,ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2018). Epilepsi Hastalarında İlaç Tedavisine Uyumun Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. Epilepsi, 24(1), 8-14., Doi: 10.14744
BAKIR AHMET, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, KAPLAN CENGİZ, ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY, ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2016). Safen, Yüzeyel Peroneal, Medial Plantar ve Medial Dorsal Kutanöz Sinir İletimi Çalışmasının Diyabetik Polinöropati Tanısındaki Katkısı. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 21(2), 67-73
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA (2018). The Use of Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Technique in Neurology. NeuroQuantology, 16(7), 87-93., Doi: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.7.1688
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, AK HAZAL CEREN, ÖRKEN CİHAT (2018). Apathy as a Major Symptom of CADASIL and MRI Findings. Austin Journal of Neurological Disorders Epilepsy, 5(1)
ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY, KENDİRLİ MUSTAFA TANSEL, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2017). Treatment of Parkinsonism Secondary to Chronic Liver Disease with Amantadine Sulfate: A Case Report. Tennessee Medicine e-Journal, 3(2)
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, İLHAN ABDULLAH, YALÇIN AHMET, CEYLAN MUSTAFA (2016). Cranial Nerve Palsy in Differrential Diagnosis of Duane Sydnrome: Original Image. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Neurology, 11(1), 38-40., Doi: 10.5336/neuro.2015-43670
DEMİR SERKAN, TOĞROL RİFAT ERDEM, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, TUNCEL TOLGA (2015). A Case Followed as Having Multiple Sclerosis but Diagnosed with Secondary Brain Lymphoma. Türk Nöroloi Dergisi, 21(3), 131-134., Doi: 10.4274/tnd.70845
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA,ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY,DEMİR SERKAN,KENDİRLİ MUSTAFA TANSEL,SİVRİOĞLU ALİ KEMAL,HAHOLU APTULLAH,ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2015). Limbic Encephalitis Association with Tuberculosis: a Case Report. Disease and Molecular Medicine, 2(4), 73-75., Doi: 10.5455/dmm.20150120022009
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, EROĞLU MURAT, VELİOĞLU MURAT, ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY (2013). Subclavian Steal Syndrome Presenting as Isolated Vertigo: Case Report. Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine, 13(4), 186-188., Doi: 10.5505/1304.7361.2013.89924
KENDİRLİ MUSTAFA TANSEL, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY, ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2012). Understanding Cortico-Striatal Connections from a Case of Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease. Journal of Neurological Sciences, 29(3), 669-671
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, AK HAZAL CEREN, ÖRKEN CİHAT (2018). Apathy as a Major Symptom of CADASIL and MRI Findings. Austin Journal of Neurological Disorders Epilepsy, 5(1)
ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY, KENDİRLİ MUSTAFA TANSEL, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2017). Treatment of Parkinsonism Secondary to Chronic Liver Disease with Amantadine Sulfate: A Case Report. Tennessee Medicine e-Journal, 3(2)
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, İLHAN ABDULLAH, YALÇIN AHMET, CEYLAN MUSTAFA (2016). Cranial Nerve Palsy in Differrential Diagnosis of Duane Sydnrome: Original Image. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Neurology, 11(1), 38-40., Doi: 10.5336/neuro.2015-43670
DEMİR SERKAN, TOĞROL RİFAT ERDEM, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, TUNCEL TOLGA (2015). A Case Followed as Having Multiple Sclerosis but Diagnosed with Secondary Brain Lymphoma. Türk Nöroloi Dergisi, 21(3), 131-134., Doi: 10.4274/tnd.70845
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA,ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY,DEMİR SERKAN,KENDİRLİ MUSTAFA TANSEL,SİVRİOĞLU ALİ KEMAL,HAHOLU APTULLAH,ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2015). Limbic Encephalitis Association with Tuberculosis: a Case Report. Disease and Molecular Medicine, 2(4), 73-75., Doi: 10.5455/dmm.20150120022009
SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, EROĞLU MURAT, VELİOĞLU MURAT, ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY (2013). Subclavian Steal Syndrome Presenting as Isolated Vertigo: Case Report. Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine, 13(4), 186-188., Doi: 10.5505/1304.7361.2013.89924
KENDİRLİ MUSTAFA TANSEL, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, ŞENOL MEHMET GÜNEY, ÖZDAĞ MEHMET FATİH (2012). Understanding Cortico-Striatal Connections from a Case of Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease. Journal of Neurological Sciences [Turkish), 29(3), 669-671
EROĞLU MURAT, SONKAYA ALİ RIZA, VELİOĞLU MURAT, ARZIMAN İBRAHİM (2012). A Case of Lung Cancer with Brain Metastases Diagnosed After Epileptic Seizure. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 6(3), 1-3., Doi: 10.4328/JCAM.1048